When a sponsor requires including a Subaward Budget form in addition to your primary applicant Grants.gov budget form, users should extract an Adobe Subaward Budget from the sponsor’s Adobe form package posted at Grants.gov. Locate the opportunity at www.grants.gov, and use one of the search options available under the “Find grant opportunities.” Grants.gov and Adobe still recommend to only using Adobe Reader, not Acrobat, when working in any of the Grants.gov Adobe forms to avoid potential data corruption.
S2S Subaward Budget Forms The subaward budget form extracted from the Grants.gov Adobe package is identical in design, detail, and input requirements as the primary applicant budget used for submission (e.g. RR Budget, Fed-Non-Fed Budget, and PHS Training Budget). While the RR Subaward Budget Form name is currently Version 1-2 (as shown in the Grants.gov Forms window figure below) the extracted budget file name includes “1.1” in the title – which is correct when the RR Budget Form (primary applicant budget) is at version 1-1 The “1.2” in the Subaward Budget Form name refers to the version of the attachment page where users extract a blank budget file. You can confirm the version number of submission budget by looking at the budget form name and version in the Grants.gov window > Forms tab. |
Figure 351: Grants.gov > Forms window after selecting to "Include" two of the four Optional forms; RR Budget and RR Subaward Budget
Include the S2S Subaward Budget Form in your KC submission
Uploading and Translating S2S Subaward Files
Using the Subaward Comment box