
The completed questionnaire specific to the project is displayed in this section.

Figure 1011 COI > COI Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page > Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities) > Project - Questionnaire


Financial Entities

All of the reporter’s active financial relationships and their relation to the project are displayed in this section.

Figure 1012 COI > COI Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page > Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities) >Financial Entities


Table 296 COI > COI Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page > Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities) >Financial Entities field description





This column contains the View and History function buttons that allow the user to access the details of the financial entity.


Click the view button to display the financial entity details window in a light-box window.


Click the history button to display a table that summarizes the updates made to this financial entity.

Entity (Column)

This column contains the name of the reporter’s financial entity in the detail rows.




This column contains the project-fe relationship of each financial entity to the project. The values that might be displayed here are: In progress, Exempt, Project Level Approval, No Conflict Exists, No Further Action, Best Practices Memo, Disclosed Interests Eliminated, Disclosed Interests Reduced, Disclosed Interests Managed, Submitted for Review, Under Review by COI Reviewer, Under COI Office Review, Under COI Committee Review, Awaiting Additional Information, Potential Relationship, Relationship Identified, Reviewer Identified Conflict, Unresolved and Disclosed Interests Unmanageable.


This section is used to display additional explanatory text entered by the reporter while defining the project-fe relationship.