The relationship of each project to the financial entity is provided in this section. The administrator is allowed to override the project-fe relationship set by the reporter through the Recommended Status column.
Figure 987 COI Manual Event Disclosures > Disclosure Actions Page > Administrator Actions > Financial Entity Status Review (Grouped by Financial Entities) > Financial Entities
Table 291 COI > COI Manual Event Disclosures > Disclosure Actions Page > Administrator Actions > Financial Entity Status Review (Grouped by Financial Entities) > Financial Entities field descriptions
Field |
Description |
Active Entities |
The Active Entities column displays name of the reporter’s active financial entity. This is a read only field. |
Comments |
The Comments column displays any comments the reporter
provided by the reporter when they established the Project-FE relatedness.
Click on the green arrow |
Last Updated |
The last updated column displays the date and timestamp of the last update made to the related/unrelated status. If the Administrator updates the Recommended Status column, the Last Updated column reflects the date time stamp of the last update. This is a red only field. |
Updated By |
The Updated By column displays the user name of the person who last updated the “Recommended Status” field. |
Recommended Status |
The Recommended Action selection allows the
Administrator to override the Project-FE relation set by the
reporter. The selection values available for the administrator are -
In progress, Exempt, Project Level Approval, No Conflict Exists, No
Further Action, Best Practices Memo, Disclosed Interests Eliminated,
Disclosed Interests Reduced, Disclosed Interests Managed, Submitted for
Review, Under Review by COI Reviewer, Under COI Office Review, Under COI
Committee Review, Awaiting Additional Information, Potential Relationship,
Relationship Identified, Reviewer Identified Conflict, Unresolved and
Disclosed Interests Unmanageable. Use the drop-down
Once an administrator
updates the Recommended Status field, the newly updated relatedness status would
also be visible to the reporter within the “Related column” in the Financial
Entities section of the disclosure page.
Adoption of Project-FE relatedness status with the highest numerical value as project and disclosure status
When multiple financial entities are related to a project, the system adopts the highest number of the project-fe statuses for the status display at the disclosure level and project level once the final action on the disclosure is performed by the administrator. The project-fe status entered by the reporter may or may not be overridden by the administrator.
The statuses available to
the administrator within the Administrator Action panel are maintained within
the Maintenance Table COI Disposition Status. The calculation of which
project-fe status to select as the overall status for the project/disclosure is
based on the value of the numeric COI Disposition Code. The system considers
lower values as “good” statuses and higher values as “bad” statuses. For e.g.
Relationship Identified with a COI Disposition code of 320 is considered a
better status than Unresolved with a COI Disposition code of 330.
Figure 988 KC Maintenance/Compliance – Conflict of Interest/COI Disposition Code
In the example below, the Administrator updates one of the project-fe relatedness statuses to “Reviewer Identified Conflict”. The COI Disposition value for this is 325, which is higher than the COI Disposition value for “Potential Relationship” 310.
Figure 989 COI Manual Event Disclosures > Disclosure Actions Page > Administrator Actions > Financial Entity Status Review (Grouped by Financial Entities) > Financial entity – Manual event – Disposition on header panel
Once final action of approve or disapprove is performed by the administrator, the Status on the header panel reflects the project-fe relatedness status with the highest value.
Figure 990 COI Manual Event Disclosures > Disclosure header panel > Status
The status on the header of the project-fe panel on the disclosure page is also updated.
Figure 991 COI Manual Event Disclosures > Disclosure Page > Manual event header panel disposition