Unit Hierarchy


The Unit Hierarchy screen allows you to view the hierarchy of units at your institution, which may include different campuses, offices, departments, and/or research centers.  The hierarchical, organizational structure can be expanded or collapsed from view using plus  and minus  buttons.  Additional action buttons exist to allow you to conveniently navigate to other maintenance documents so you can view or maintain associated unit, user, and rate information.


The Unit Hierarchy screen serves as the basis for much of the functionality found in KC.  Setting up the unit hierarchy correctly for the institution is essential for the proper functioning of proposal routing and submission, applying the appropriate rates to a budget, associating awards, protocols and proposals to the correct unit, and associating users and roles to the appropriate unit(s).

The system actually groups units into a hierarchical structure so that a department can be grouped under a college/school, which can then be grouped under a campus, which will all be under the parent unit (the Institution.)  In addition, the system allows each unit to set its own rates (i.e. F&A rates, employee benefits, etc.) which trickle down to all applicable child units.

Establishing Default Rates

Each institution must set the Facilities and Administrative (F&A), Employee Benefits (EB), and Inflation rates upon implementation of Kuali Coeus.  Subsequently, each time a new budget version is created or a sync action is performed on an existing budget, Coeus re-establishes the default institutional rates for performing budget calculations.  To do this, it searches for rates according to pre-set rules.

F&A and EB Default Rates

When the system looks for a default rate, it looks for rates in tables for the given year.  With F&A and EB rates, if none is found for the given year, the system will use the rate from the last year for which a rate is defined.  In example: Your institution entered a rate of 45% for an EB rate in 2007.  In FY2010, if no rate is defined for that year, the system will look to FY09 and if no rate is found, it goes to FY08.  The system continues searching until it finds the latest rate entered for the unit in question.  In this case, the last rate entered was 45% in 2007 and the system continues to use that rate until subsequent years or the current year is updated. 

Inflation Default Rates

Inflation rates are handled differently.  The inflation rate must be set every fiscal year.  The system WILL NOT utilize the last known rate to set inflation rates for a proposal.  If the system does not find an inflation rate set for the current fiscal year, it will default to 0% until a rate is set for the current fiscal year.  Default rates are set via a maintenance document.  Override rates are set via the sections on the Rates tab.


The Unit Hierarchy is critical to the system because it is here where users are granted roles/rights, delegates can be assigned, rates are established, routing rules and maps are set up, and lab allocation rates are assigned.  Quite simply, the unit hierarchy is the backbone of the system.

Screen Layout

Figure 1849 Unit Hierarchy Maintenance Screen Example Layout

Button Descriptions

Table 877 Unit Hierarchy Maintenance Screen - Button Descriptions



Click to expand the display to show child units.

Click to collapse the display to hide child units.

Click to create a new, blank Unit maintenance document.

Click to modify the existing Unit maintenance document for the corresponding row.  Takes you to the Unit Maintenance Document, edit mode (w/ Old & New column sections in Edit tab).

pencil-smallUnit names can be changed after they have been added into the unit hierarchy.  All pending documents will take on the new name; the former name will still be present on any fully executed (fully approved/submitted) documents.

Click to navigate to the Person Lookup screen, which allows you to further refine criteria and search for person records for the Primary Department Code that corresponds to the row.

Click to navigate to the Institute La Rates Lookup screen, which allows you to further refine criteria and search for Institute La Rates for the Unit Number that corresponds to the row.

Click to navigate to the Institute Rates Lookup screen, which allows you to further refine criteria and search for Institute Rates for the Unit Number that corresponds to the row.

Click to copy the Unit content from the row to a new Unit maintenance document with a unique document number.