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Click  on the Subaward section to display its information:

The Subaward section includes the Approved Subaward section.  Use the Approved Subaward section to identify organizations with subawards authorized by the sponsor.

Users with Administrator authorization may enter information in these fields.

Figure 1503 Award Document, Award Page, Subawards Section - Example


Table 638 Award Document, Award Page, Subawards Section - Field Descriptions



Organization Name

Required.  The formal name of the institution designated for this subaward.  Enter the Organization Name into the box.  You can confirm the Organization Name you entered by clicking

.  If you do not know the Organization Name, click  to find and select one.


Required.  The approved funding amount of this subaward for this organization.  Enter the Amount into the box.


Click  to save this new Organization Name entry in this section.

Click  to remove the Organization Name entry on that row.

Click  to total the Amounts after you add a new Organization Name entry.

  Adding an Organization Name using the Organization Lookup in the Subaward Section:

      Click Picture to find and select an Organization Name on the Organization Lookup screen:

16-KC Award Organizational Lookup.jpg

Figure 1504 Organization Lookup Screen


      Enter appropriate information in the search fields to find the Organization Name you need, or leave all the fields blank to display all Organization Names, and then click Picture to display a list of Organization Names.  When you click Picture, KC displays the results of your search below the buttons:


16-KC Award Organizational Lookup with Search.jpg

Figure 1505 Organization Lookup Screen with Search Information

KC displays the Organization Names that match your search below a statement about the number of items retrieved (how many items matched your search) and the number of items displayed.

      In the search results list, click return value next to the Organization Id that you need to enter that Organization Name in the Approved Subaward section in the Subaward section.

When you click return value, KC displays the KC Award screen again with your selected Organization Name added to the Approved Subaward section in the Subaward section:

16-KC Award Subaward Approved Subaward.jpg

Figure 1506 KC Award, Subaward Section, Approved Subawards Screen

      When you click tinybutton-add1 in the Actions column in the Approved Subaward section of the Subaward section, KC displays a unique number next to the new Organization Name.

      Click on a row to remove that Organization Name entry from the Approved Subawards section.

      Click  to re-total the Amounts after you add a new Organization Name entry.




Approved Subawards