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The Parameters page of the Budget document displays from top to bottom the following two tabbed sections and unique action buttons:

Figure 267 Budget Document > Parameters Page Sections Layout

      Tabbed Sections:  Budget Overview displays the project start/end dates, and allows you to change the status, specify whether final or modular, enter comments, enter total cost limit and residual fund amounts, and select rate types.  Budget Periods & Totals allows you to add period lines and specify start/end dates for each period, as well as enter dollar amounts for various associated costs, then calculate and display totals for all periods.

      Action Buttons:  Unique to the Summary page are action buttons at the bottom of the page that allow you to command the system to either generate or calculate all periods.  Standard e-doc buttons also appear.

Table 105 Budget Document > Parameters Page Section Descriptions

Section (linked to documentation topic)

Brief Description

Budget Overview

View summarized key identifying information about the budget.

Budget Periods & Totals

Add period lines and specify start/end dates for each period, as well as enter dollar amounts for various associated costs, then calculate and display totals for all periods.


Budget Overview

Budget Periods & Totals