

The Minutes section of the Meeting document allows you to select from a predefined list of entry types and then enter textual descriptions for each.  Minute entries can be marked as either Private or Final prior to being added as numbered line items.


Figure 1464 Meeting Document – Minutes Section Example


Table 611 Meeting Document – Minutes Section Column Descriptions



Add / #

Displays sequential line item number for each table row in ascending, top-to-bottom order.  Also serves as a line selection/addition row label.

Entry Type

Select one of the following options from the list for each minute line item you add:  General Comments, Attendance, Protocol, Other Business, or Adverse Events.  Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

tip.png  If Protocol is selected, then you must select a protocol number, which then allows you to enter review comments for that protocol.  If Other Business is selected, then you are presented with a list from which to further select items entered in the Other Actions section.

Entry Type Detail

Minutes are generally entered as textual descriptions and added as numbered line items; however, they may be refined by selecting a type of entry. 

caution.png  This column’s functionality (and its corresponding label) changes dynamically based on selections made in the Entry Type field.

      General Comments:  no change

      Attendance:  Generate Attendance checkbox (upon add, Description field is automatically populated with attendees recorded in the preceding Attendance section)

      Protocol:  Protocol list provides ability to select a submitted Protocol document and enter Standard Review Comment

      Other Business:  Other Action selection

      Adverse Events:  no change


Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.  After saved, click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.

Standard Review Comment

When applicable for your selection in the Entry Type field (for example, Protocol), a lookup icon appears that allows you to select from a predefined list of comments.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.


Flag the minute addition as private (not viewable by the PI) for IACUC Administrators only.


Flag the minute addition as one in which no further comment will be added.


Click the add  button to add your selection to as a row in the table below, which will become a numbered line item.  Click the delete button to remove a previously-added line item row from the table.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.