You are here:SubAward > Financial

History of Changes

The History of Changes section of the Financial page displays dollar value amounts that are important to the finances of the subaward.  Additionally, it allows you to update (make changes to) those amounts and track the history of such updates.

Figure 1700  Subaward Document > Financial Page > History Of Changes Section – Example


Table 736  Subaward Document > Financial Page > History Of Changes Section – Field Descriptions



Obligated Amount

Display-only and automatically udpated based on entries into the Obligated “Change’ column field.  In the case of multiple line item values, this would be the sum.

Amount Released

This is the same as the value you entered in the field of the same name in the Invoices section (not the display-only one, but the editable one in the Add row).  It is also repeated in the Invoices section for your convenience?

Anticipated Amount

Display-only and automatically udpated based on entries into the Anticipated Change.  Anticipated amount is probably the value you entered in the Anticipated Change field, only this display-only version is labeled as “amount” rather than “change.”  It might change also based on released amounts…

Available Amount

Display-only auto-update by system.  Indicates the amount of money that remains available from the current subaward pool of funds.

Effective Date

To select the date in which the invoice amount is to (or has already) become effective, click the calendar icon to select, or type in mm/dd/yyyy format to populate the box with the desired date.

Obligated Change

Add an amount if one does not already exist, otherwise, enter a negative or positive numeric value.

Anticipated Change

Type to enter a dollar value.  Negative amounts are acceptable – type the minus symbol preceding the numeric value.

note.png  If you do not put in a decimal point and cent amount as hundredths, ‘.00’ will be appended to the number you enter after addition of the line automatically by the system.

File Name

Use this field to add an attachment (for example, official correspondence from the sponsor that includes information about a subaward amount).  Click the Browse…button to launch your browser’s File Upload window, then use it to locate the desired file on your local computer hard drive, expanding folders as necessary, then select the document file (by clicking on it once with your mouse) so that its filename appears in the File name field, then click the Open button.  The File Upload window is closed and the File Name field (this field) is populated with the drive/directory/filename path you selected.


Click the add button to add your entry/selection in the Add: row as a sequentially numbered line item row below.  Click the delete button to remove a previously-added numbered line item row.


For more information about using the standard line item functionality in KC, see “Common Line Item Operations” on page 119 in Overview > Common E-Doc Procedures.