Budget Overview

Figure 1666 Award Budget Document, Non-Personnel Page, Budget Overview Section Example


Table 707 Award Budget Document, Non-Personnel Page, Budget Overview Section Field Descriptions



Period 1 Start Date

The date is displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format for the period you selected.  The system defaults to the period 1 information unless prompted by earlier action in the selection area.  The start date of a budget period as reflected in the fiscal period in which the rates apply.

Period 1 End Date

The date is displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format for the period you selected.  The system defaults to the period 1 information unless prompted by earlier action in the selection area of the page.

Direct Cost

All line item total base costs are included in the sum total.  The rate cost for direct cost rates (like vacation and fringe benefits) is displayed as read-only.  The total amount of the direct personnel, equipment, travel, participant and other costs that will be incurred for the project.  Displayed value = sum (direct costs entered into the personnel, equipment, travel, participant costs, and other tabs).  Costs that can be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy.

F&A Cost

The Facilities & Administration rate cost for F&A rates (for example, MTDC, TDC) is displayed as read-only and represents the total amount of F&A costs that will be incurred for the project.  Displayed value = sum (Direct cost expenses entered into the personnel, equipment, travel, participant costs, and other tabs which are subject to indirect costs) * the applicable F&A rate.

Total Sponsor Cost

KC adds each line item total base cost amount to represent the sum of the direct and indirect costs that will be incurred by the project.  Displayed value = sum (Total cost fields calculated or entered into the personnel, equipment, travel, participant costs, and other tabs).

Budget Amount

The total amount is displayed as read-only.  This is cost limit as set by you, which this budget period should not exceed.

Obligated Amount

The obligated amount is the total cost limit dollar value, as set by you, which the budget should not exceed, and is prepopulated from the data entered on the Summary page.

Unrecovered F&A

The F&A costs that will be incurred as a result of the project, but will not be paid for by the sponsor because they are not requested or provided by the sponsor.  KC calculates the difference between Institutional Rate and Applicable Rate as applied to BOTH Total Base Cost and DC Cost Sharing and displays it as read-only.

Cost Sharing

The system includes the Applicable Rate associated with the DC (Direct Cost) as read-only display.  The direct costs that will be incurred as a result of the project, but will not be paid for by the sponsor.  Displayed value = sum (Cost Sharing fields calculated on the Personnel page or entered into the equipment, travel, participant costs, and other sections).